Learning to Walk in the Footprints of Jesus and Francis
Storytelling was the focus of the Lenten retreat hosted for the Covenant Companions (CCs) on March 16, 2024. Serving as the day’s retreat leaders, CCs Frank Bucaro and Pat Shutts opened the morning by telling their faith journey stories from their youth to the present day. Then the CCs separated into small groups to share their own stories about how they were drawn to the Wheaton Franciscan community.
Small groups created and presented collages that reflected their Franciscan values and what they treasure about living the CC way of life. As Vickie Wojciechowski noted, “Making the collages was a beautiful and moving experience as each group shared their meaning. It brought us all full circle.”
During a midday break, the CCs enjoyed personal prayer time as they reflected on the questions: Who are you, God? And who am I?
The afternoon session focused on finding the courage to keep walking in the footprints of Jesus and Francis and what footprints the CCs want to leave in the world. Frank encouraged the CCs to “trust the mystery” and Pat quoted theologian Frederick Buechner: “The place where God calls you is where your deep gladness meets the world’s hunger.”
At the moving closing ritual, each CC brought their personal ”what is mine to do” intention to the cross on the prayer table as the circle stated the person’s name and sang a blessing from The Rivers’ Voice: With my greatest love and respect for the path you walk.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful retreat you all enjoyed. What a blessing you all are to our Wheaton Franciscan community and to the world.