The world has come to recognize that there is much more to peace than simply pacifism: there is a call for justice to alleviate the causes of violence. True peace is achieved by recognizing the many forms of injustice around us and treating those suffering with dignity and respect.
Simple actions can have far-reaching effects. This is our call … to be the hands and hearts of God’s love, peace, hope, and joy in our world.
If you want peace, work for justice.
Pope Paul VI
We consider all the conditions necessary to accept the basic dignity of the human person and provide a non-threatening and safe place. We are conscious of welcoming people and offering basic courtesies. We are mindful of the ways we can build-up or help destroy a person’s self-worth by our actions. As Mother Clara has requested of us: love is the queen in our lives. We seek to find ways to resolve our conflicts early.
We desire to know the truth. By our study, reflection and engaging in conversations, we seek to become persons of wisdom. We honor the importance of honest and timely communications. We seek out ways for people to truly come to know themselves and to realize what they have to offer others. Our helpfulness is not imposed but intended to encourage the ability of the person to accept and to respond to their situations. We enrich our understanding as we prepare educational and spiritual programs.
Our actions for justice are imbued with peace. To create the common good, we negotiate in fairness. We look to honor both the challenges of responsible actions and freedom of options.
In our efforts to establish wholesome relationships, we seek to provide adequate resources so that a job can be done well. Resources can include equipment, time, skill training and mentoring. We call attention to the ways that trust, and support is being demonstrated. In especially difficult and tense situations, trust and support has to be developed and monitored.
“May charity and nonviolence govern how we treat each other as individuals, within society and in international life.”
Pope Francis, World Day of Peace Message 2017