Through prayer, relationship-building and sharing of resources, the Wheaton Franciscans collaborate with organizations whose mission and priorities are similar to ours. We focus primarily on the following areas: care of creation; health and dental in underserved areas; refugees and immigrants; women and children in vulnerable situations; and other purposes that align with our values. We are currently connected to nearly 100 organizations.
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Water Engineers for The Americas & Africa (WEFTA)
Santa Fe, NM
Water Engineers for the Americas (WEFTA) is a publicly funded, volunteer-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 2002 by a group of water engineering professionals motivated to apply their expertise and resources to help alleviate the problem of unsafe water supplies and inadequate sanitation in the western hemisphere. WEFTA’s primary mission is to share the technical expertise of its volunteers to help communities in developing countries build their own clean water and sanitation infrastructure. One of the WEFTA’s recent programs in Bolivia involved installation of protected Wells with hand pumps. Another program involved the installation of ecological bathrooms. Both programs serve impoverished Bolivian families.