Through prayer, relationship-building and sharing of resources, the Wheaton Franciscans collaborate with organizations whose mission and priorities are similar to ours. We focus primarily on the following areas: care of creation; health and dental in underserved areas; refugees and immigrants; women and children in vulnerable situations; and other purposes that align with our values. We are currently connected to nearly 100 organizations.
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Wisdom, Inc
Milwaukee, WI
WISDOM is a statewide grassroots network of faith-based organizations (i.e. “affiliates”) who work on both local and statewide social justice issues. The FREE Campaign is a project of EXPO, EX-incarcerated People Organizing, which, as an affiliate of the WISDOM network of faith-based communities, is committed to dismantling all systems that support mass incarceration and excessive supervision. FREE organizers reach out to formerly incarcerated women across Wisconsin, using practices that consider experiences of trauma, and that promote healing and inclusion. Their goal is to empower a State-wide network of experts of lived experience who are able and willing to educate professionals, policy makers and the broader public, bringing their experience to the center of the fight for transformation of Wisconsin’s criminal justice system.