Through prayer, relationship-building and sharing of resources, the Wheaton Franciscans collaborate with organizations whose mission and priorities are similar to ours. We focus primarily on the following areas: care of creation; health and dental in underserved areas; refugees and immigrants; women and children in vulnerable situations; and other purposes that align with our values. We are currently connected to nearly 100 organizations.
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Quinn Center (QCC) of St. Eulalia Church
FY2020 Youth Programming and Building Projects
Maywood, IL
QCC, founded in 2010, is the principal social outreach ministry of St. Eulalia’s parish. It partners with the community to build an inclusive culture of justice, health and peace through intentional action. Their year-round programming is targeted to 3 main areas of focus: hunger/family, seniors, and youth. It is available for over 600 youth, seniors, and marginalized men and women at low or no cost to the participant.