“The whole experience was what I needed“ explained one Covenant Companion (CC) describing the spirit-filled Advent retreat facilitated by S. Marge Zulaski and attended by 24 CCs on Dec. 10 at the motherhouse.
Featuring Advent is Awaiting New Life as the theme, the morning of teaching, guided meditations, sharing, and simply being together was hosted by the Covenant Companion Leadership Circle. Retreatants were encouraged to let go of the familiar and be open to the God within so new birth can occur.
CC John Kelsey commented, “My awareness of the truth that I am never alone on this journey was reinforced by the other CCs who shared their presence and hearts with me this morning.”
CCs reported great joy with the day, based on their evaluations. People were especially happy to be in person so that deep sharing occurred. Attendees noted that the retreat strengthened a sense of “we” in the CC community and the day was found to be inspiring, relevant to daily life, and full of insights.
My awareness of the truth that I am never alone on this journey was reinforced by the other CCs who shared their presence and hearts with me this morning.
John Kelsey, Covenant Companion
“I’m still smiling with the joy of our Advent retreat!” reflected CC Pat Faivre. “S. Marge’s light touch and deft guiding of our meditations and sharing were not only relaxing but just the contemplative break I needed in this Advent season. It was amazing to hear the stories of our Covenant Companion ‘elders’ in our circle and to be aware of the depth of commitment to the charism of the Wheaton Franciscans and St. Clare and St. Francis. As a ‘youngster’ of the bunch (three years as a CC) I understood at a deeper level the shoulders that I stand on.”