Weavings is a monthly reflection that is the collective effort of the Wheaton Franciscan Covenant Companions and Sisters to provide spiritual nourishment that helps us feel God’s presence in daily living and invite an openness to God.
Jesus Shops At Aldi’s
by Mary Ellen Durbin, Covenant Companion
The first time I shopped at Aldi’s, I struggled to get the cart out of the lineup. It just wouldn’t give! Then someone came up behind me and said softly, “It takes a quarter”, and she slipped a quarter into the slot. Amazed, I said, “Oh, let me repay your quarter.” She put her hand up in a gesture of greeting, and she replied, “Have a nice day!” That was my introduction to Aldi’s, where you can find great quality food for reasonable prices. One way that Aldi’s is able to offer food at lower prices is the practice of do-it-yourself: “Bring your own bags,” aisles containing overstocked items at rock-bottom prices, groceries stocked in shipping boxes, and an atmosphere of friendliness.
Over the years, I have appreciated the products, procedures, and prices that shopping at Aldi’s has offered to me, but it was during the Pandemic that I began to fold my shopping experience into my life as a follower of Christ.
It might be when I have put my quarter in and still struggle to uncouple the carts, that someone comes up behind me, and says, “I know, this happens to me too,” and works at it till they uncouple… for me! Or I am reaching for a box of cereal and someone comes up behind me and says, “Let me get that for you.” Or I am coming up to the checkout line, and someone says, “You go ahead.” One time, as I stood in line, the person a little ahead of me came up short at the register. I was amazed as the person following her in line said, “Here, let me make up the difference!” There is something profound in that example because it goes to the heart of the Gospel mandate to love our neighbor.
Don’t get me wrong, grumpy people shop at Aldi’s too. And kind people shop at Jewel too. The thing is, I think shopping at Aldi’s gives me the opportunity to practice my faith, in small ways. Jesus welcomed everybody, the sinner as well as the saint. The Spirit of Jesus flows through all the generations in one common hope: communion. Every human being has a deep yearning to belong, to be connected to others, to be loved, and to love. And because God loved us first, we have the unlimited opportunity to bring that love to those around us and all of creation. Over time, I have realized that Jesus shops at Aldi’s, Jesus (and the follower of Jesus) looks for opportunities to welcome the stranger and to help the one in trouble.
Last week, I experienced the nearness of Jesus as I completed my shopping at Aldi’s, and was returning to my car. Inside I was thinking, “How am I going to lift these bags into my car?” Anticipating my options, I was already planning to do it in stages – take a few things out, transfer them to the trunk, and go back for more. Behind me, I heard a man’s voice, “Can I help you get these groceries into your car?” I turned around, and there was a young man standing there.
“Let me help you.”
“Thank you so much,” I said, as he lifted the heavy bags into my trunk.
“You know,’” I said, “there is something about Aldi’s.” He replied, “Yeah, I know! We’re all in this together.” Exactly!
“In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you, for this is the law and the prophets.”
Matthew 7:12
And so, when I shop at Aldi’s I try to do my small part in making today a little brighter for my neighbor. I leave my cart, with a quarter inside, for someone who will experience that little surprise message, “Someone cares about you!” Or, if someone is coming up when I am finished with my cart, I give it to them, and when they say, “Can I give you a quarter?” I say, “Have a nice day!” That all may have life, that all may be one.
Your words sparkle with truth, beauty and kindness, Mary Ellen. And echo my own experience at my local Aldi. Yay!