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Weavings Reflection: November 2024

Weavings is a monthly reflection that is the collective effort of the Wheaton Franciscan Covenant Companions and Sisters to provide spiritual nourishment that helps us feel God’s presence in daily living and invite an openness to God.

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Something’s Coming

by Sharon Niemet, Covenant Companion

More than 10,000 babies are born every day in the United States. But when it’s your baby, the universe sings!

Our daughter Claire and her husband are expecting their first child in mid-December. My husband John and I are over the moon with anticipation to welcome their little one, our first grandchild. Even though I can’t carry a tune in a basket, I’ve been humming and singing Something’s Comin’, a favorite song from the musical West Side Story.

Could it be? Yes, it could
Something’s comin’, something’ good, if I can wait
Something’s comin’, I don’t know what it is
But it is gonna be great.

As we help our kids prepare for the birth, it struck me that this special anticipatory time is a lot like Advent (beginning December 1). We wait, full of hope. We are excited yet humble to accept a wonderful gift. And we pray that we can fully embrace what we are called to do.

So I will do my best to approach this year’s Advent with the same care and thoughtfulness as I await the baby. After all, something’s coming!

I got a feelin’ there’s a miracle due
Gonna come true, comin’ to me.

3 thoughts on “Weavings Reflection: November 2024”

  1. Avatar

    Congratulations Sharon on the anticipation of your first grandchild. What wonderful timing to connect with the anticipation you are experiencing with the season of advent. This song, Something’s Comin’, from Westside Story captures the excitement and anticipation very well. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Avatar
    Beatrice M Hernandez, OSF

    What a wonderful reflection!! Anticipating the season of Advent certainly take on a new perspective when you also have a new baby in the family on the way. Many blessings to you, John, your daughter and her husband, and your whole family as you continue on this “advent” journey of anticipation and waiting. Love, S Bea and S Sylvia

  3. Avatar

    Oh how wonderful to be anticipating this bundle of new life during the Advent season. May you and John and your whole family be blessed with joy.
    Love and peace to you,

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