Through prayer, relationship-building and sharing of resources, the Wheaton Franciscans collaborate with organizations whose mission and priorities are similar to ours. We focus primarily on the following areas: care of creation; health and dental in underserved areas; refugees and immigrants; women and children in vulnerable situations; and other purposes that align with our values. We are currently connected to nearly 100 organizations.
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Getiongo Nyabigege Self Help Group
Chicken and Tomatoes Project
Kisii, Kenya
Getiongo Nyabigege Self Help Group are 25 families from Kitutu Masaba Constituency, Nyamira County in Kenya. One of the purposes of this group is to foster family socio-economic development. Also, they develop a project which aims to train their families in project management, budgeting and money saving tips, entrepreneurship, poultry and gardening skills. After enhancing the capacity of the beneficiaries, they receive start-up capital for identified sustainable projects: poultry and gardening.