Dear Sisters, Covenant Members and Friends,
Nearly two years after his appointment, the United States Postal Service continues to languish under Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s failing leadership. After his appointment by former President Trump, Mr. DeJoy, who favors privatizing the entire postal service, removed many automated sorting machines from many post offices, thus slowing down postal service. Many of these machines were later dismantled, making replacing them very difficult to impossible. Mail delivery continues to be unreliable, with letters sometimes taking 7-10 days to reach their destinations. With many Americans relying on the postal service to pay bills and to deliver medicines, these delays have been more than a mere inconvenience. Now is the time to act if we are to save the post office and restore it to an efficient and well run entity that serves the needs of the American people. Only the Post Office Board of Governors can fire and replace the postmaster general. These two final appointments to that board are critical and urgently needed. Please read the attached letter to President Biden and if you agree, please sign the letter.
Peace and blessings,
S Bea