We hope your Lenten journey has been prayerful. This week’s focus from our Laudato Si’ Action Platform is the commitment to
…living a life of connectedness by creating spaces for nurturing community
and the practice of contemplation and action.
Sr. Ilia Delio defines contemplation as “a penetrating gaze with the eyes of the heart that sees the truth of things … that sees the overflowing goodness of God in concrete reality.” She continues, “Contemplation leads to a solidarity with all creation whereby all sorrows are shared in a heart of compassionate love, all tears are gathered in a womb of mercy, all pain is healed by the balm of forgiveness.”
Emily Kane writes,
“Our world is deeply flawed, and it is natural to feel angry, even despairing. But as Jesus tells us, as people of faith we are to be in the world, but not of the world. We are responsible to and for one another because we are connected by something greater … that can only become life-giving when enlivened within a community of faith.”
As Franciscan hearted people we are committed to community in its many forms and sizes connected by “the threads of God’s overflowing love that binds together the whole of creation in a web of infinite love.” As we continue our Lenten journey, may we quiet our minds and open our hurting hearts to the reality of God’s generous love and then reach out in care for one another.
Ilia Delio, Franciscan Prayer, Emily Kane