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HomeUpdates2022 Journey of Lent – Week 1

2022 Journey of Lent – Week 1

This week we begin the Journey of Lent. In her invitation to the Lenten journey, Sr. Ilia Delio writes, “Lent is a time for living on the edge, poised for the next moment of life. We are invited to get out of our comfortable centers of security and live on the brink of the incomplete, the not-knowing, the open future, and to find comfort in the chaotic flow of life.” 

However, this is not an easy invitation. The war in the Ukraine, the lingering uncertainty of the pandemic, economic and climate anxiety, and rampant indifference resulting in increased violence make it challenging to find hope. Yet, that is what we, as people of God, are called to every day.

“…where there is God, there is hope and future.”

Sister Ilia Delio

Sr. Ilia reminds us, “…where there is God, there is hope and future.” She also reminds us that “…hope is what dawns when new wine is put into new wineskins. The old must die for the new to be born.  So let us be attentive and be ready for the birth of the new in our midst.”

This Lent, we will focus on one statement from the Wheaton Franciscan Laudato Si’ Action Platform Commitment each week as we make this journey of Love. Firstly, this week we focus on our interconnectedness and our call to live in harmony with the Creator and created:

We believe that all of creation is one.
As people of God, we are called to live in harmony and to recognize that all is sacred.

In recognizing we need to move beyond words and into loving action, let us explore how we are called to live in harmony and contribute to “birthing of the new.”

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