An Easter Season Reflection
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Weekly Verse
In truth … God shows no partiality.
Acts 10:34
This I command you: love one another.
John 15:17
Words of Wisdom
Possessing bias is part and parcel of being human. And the more we think we are immune to it, the greater the likelihood that our own biases will be invisible or unconscious to us!
Howard J. Ross, Everyday Bias
People can’t see what they can’t see. Their biases get in the way, surrounding them like a high wall, trapping them in ignorance, deception, and illusion.
Brian McClaren, podcast, “Why Can’t We See?” October 5, 2020
To animate our call to love the world, I see invitations to pay attention to unnoticed realities and foster relationships. How can I truly love those I don’t see and don’t know?
Sr. Jessi Beck, PBVM, LCWR Occasional Papers
Our great challenge is to create a culture of encounter which encourages individuals and groups to share the richness of their traditions and experience; to break down walls and to build bridges…We are called to be bearers of good news for a society kept by disconcerting social, cultural and spiritual shifts and increasing polarization.
Pope Francis
God of Encounter, help me to remember that I am fully and beautifully human. Open my eyes to my biases and the lack of awareness that contributes to polarization. Grant me the grace to BE a bridge builder of love. Amen.